Tuesday, October 26, 2010

daily blog 10/26

Today we took some notes on the bill of rights. Then we played a really fun but informational game that had to do with the bill of rights. You ran a law firm and had to help people with their laws by defending their rights with the amendments in the bill of rights. It was one of the funnest games I've ever played but it still helped me remember the different amendments. We should do more things like that

Monday, October 25, 2010

daily blog 10/25

So we watched a PowerPoint in class, courtesy of mr b, and took notes on it which is one of my fave ways to learn. For some reason it just processes tobme and then I can go back and study from my notes and remember what mr Boyle said which is super.we talked about the federalist and anti Feds and about how people took different opinions on the constitution. It's quite a long process.

Friday, October 22, 2010

daily blog 10/22

We reviewed the articles 1-3 today and took notes on 3-6. They were all about the legislative, judicial, and executive branches and how the system of checks and balances works. We also watched somemore school house rock which is always good because it simplifies the whole system so that even a little kid could understand it... or a high schooler. I learned a lot about the three branches

Thursday, October 21, 2010

daily blog 10/21

Today in class we discussed the homework from last night which talked about how the president should be elected. The four options are; by the people, by congress, by electoral college, or by the states. A lot of the problems with most of them are that people can be bribed and peer pressured into voting for someone. Thats what's wrong with the system is that people are manipulative and shady! It was a good class.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

daily blog 10/20

So we discussed the homework we did last night in class today. I did not really get any questions right... but I feel confident about tonight's homework. I already finished it at the end of spanish class and it didn't seem too hard but the way the people talk in the document is hard to understand. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

daily blog 10/19

In class we had some French exchange students come in and participate. That was super fun because foreigners are always awesome and French people dress nice. I also enjoyed the school house rock video. It really brings me back... I can still sing all the songs. And we did some flow charts to show the path of the bill which was quite exhilarating . I never realized all that goes into the process of a law. It's extraordinary. So all in all it was a good class but I've got to go do my worksheet on different plans for the US. catch ya later BLOG

Friday, October 15, 2010

daily blog 9/15

In class we worked on a document with our groups from yesterday. Only it was more like a thousand documents that we had to analyze. When there are more things like that going through my head it's harder to understand everything. I may have just been having a bad day but I could barely comprehend a word written on that packet. Hopefully we'll go over it on Monday.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

daily blog 10/13

In class we took the preamble quiz. The song helped a lot I was basically humming it during the quiz! Also  we worked with groups on document things. I really don't like doing those documents and having to analyze them pretty much. My group got into and argument over what it actually meant which wasn't fun.  I liked taking the notes though that way of learning really processes through my brain. More so than the article things 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

daily blog 10/13

I did not go to class today. I wasn't skipping; I was actually taking the PSATs for the majority of the day. It was pretty rough. The kind of test you feel pretty good about but somewhere in the back of your mind you know you bombed. After that I came back to school and took a math test. woohoo. It was a testful day!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

daily blog 10/12

Today we reviewed the google docs and put it into a class timeline. I thought the google docs worked really well for this assignment although I didn't really like having to summarize the document because it wasn't very clear. I admit I didn't read other people's summaries so I'm glad we reviewed them in class.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

daily blog 10/8: Test Day!

My first history test of the year is completed! It's such a  relief to have the off my chest now I'll I have to do is wait to see if I passed... 
I feel pretty confident I studied for a while the night before but then I fell asleep. My essay was a little iffy. Im terrible at writing essays so hopefully if my writing wasn't too good, my historical accuracy was. The study guide really helped because it was basically what was on the test so I liked that. Nervous to recieve my grade!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

daily blog 10/7

We started to work on timelines that we will be making on google docs with a  group of ten people. Each person has a different event. I'm glad to use google docs again. Tomorrow we have a test on the entire american revolution. I'm pretty nervous but I think I know everything alright. I'm going to go study though. BYE BLOG!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

daily blog 10/5

So today in class we talked about how we are going to have a big test on everything we've learned so far on Friday. Yipee. Frankly, I'm pretty nervous looking at that review sheet. I thought I knew the stuff that would be on the test I listen in class and I read all the papers he gives us but apparently I don't know anything. There are some people on the list that I had no idea even existed. I'm going to have to study hard for this one but hopefully I'll get a good grade!

Monday, October 4, 2010

daily blog 10/4

In class we basically had the same discussion we had the other day about battles in the north, only with battles in the south. It's interesting to see who thinks what battle is important. I feel like we have covered the information pretty well and I feel pretty prepared for the test we are going to have. Speaking of tests, I'm wondering when were going to get our Declaration of Independence quizzes back...