Thursday, December 23, 2010

daily blog 12/23

We took a quest today and I felt really prepared for it. I'm hoping to get an 100 because I feel like I studied the material really well and I read and reread my answers! It was a little bit frustrating that a movie was playing loud next door but thats okay.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

daily blog 12/21

We talked about the trail of tears again and some people told the stories that they read about online. Because of this sad historical event, we got onto the topic of how history repeats itself. Then that led to airport security and how national security is going to far? I felt like it was a good discussion. It made me think about how safe do we have to be really because since everything we do is potentially dangerous, will we end up securing everything? How far can it go?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

daily blog 12/16

We talked about the differences between elections between the 12 years of 1824-1836. And also how those   differed from elections today. There were a lot of differences but also a lot of similarities

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

daily blog 12/15

 We watched some campaign ads from the past and talked about how politics can be manipulated by the different parties. The whole system has gotten ridiculous and it doesn't even keep the same though process that founding fathers came up with. People just spread lies about the other candidates. It makes me so angry but I guess all I can do is vote when I turn 18!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

daily blog 12/14

We took notes and discussed the election! I voted for Henery Clay but he cam 4th out of 4

Friday, December 10, 2010

daily blog 12/10

We basically did the same thing as yesterday. We discussed the issue with McCulloch and Maryland I just wish we could look back at the Constitution to know what they're talking about when they bring up articles.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

daily blog 12/08

We watched a little VTV then we talked about what enumerated and reserved governments own. Also whether or not a national bank was constitutional.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

daily blog 12/06

We talked about our chapters in the story again with a small group. We discussed the significance of Frederick Douglass and William Lloyd Garrison ( who's hometown was Newburyport!) and abolitionists and such.

Friday, December 3, 2010

daily blog 12/03

In class we talked about the chapters we read and such but mostly on the essays we wrote. There was a small debate about whether plantations or factories were more difficult to work in. We also told all the Mrs Jones tales from the day before! A fun day to say the least

Thursday, December 2, 2010

daily blog 12/02

Mr Boyle was out today and we had the helpful Mrs Jones as a substitute teacher. We worked quietly on factory/plantation essays. I feel confident that I did well on mine!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

daily blog 12/01

THE FIRST DAY OF DECEMBER! which is kind of sad to think about but at least history class was knowledge enhancing.
We talked about the way factories were and how the people working were treated (which was poorly) then we did an exercise where we used math and ratios to determine how many machines were needed and such. 
It was peculiar for me to do math in history because then I went and did math in chemistry and also I did a little bit of math in math. So that was my day.