Friday, January 28, 2011

daily blog 1/28

We talked about the fights over land between the US and Mexico and obviously the US won all the land because we are the alpha dogs in this world. Just kidding but all this new land you would think would unify the country but it ripped it apart resulting in the civil war!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

daily blog 1/26

A dispute like that brought on by the Tariff of 1828 is something that absolutely could occur today. The country is called a "melting pot" because of all the different cultures and the differences in the states. The North and South are completely different and with that comes different resources and cultures. Fortunately, the US is very diverse but unfortunately this means that people don't exactly agree on everything. The north and south disagreed about the tariff because of the differences in their culture and the resources they have. This is not something that is outdated, a situation like the Tariff of 1828 has occurred and could occur anytime in the future.

Monday, January 24, 2011

daily blog 1/24

Today was a short class but we fit a lot in. Basically we talked about how we are going to start a new project based on an event and a person on Besides that, we were in the computer lab so we did a worksheet on different questions regarding the north and the south in 1820

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

daily blog 1/11/11

It's 1/11/11!! I thought that was kind of cool. We talked a lot about woman's rights and how they were beginning to be fought at this time in the US which is kind of a big deal because no one really thought a bout it because no one had lived in a world where women had a lot of rights. It's interesting to see the kind of things they couldn't do back then that seem so regular nowadays. I think it was good for people to hear about the importance of women's rights because it was, and still is, a big situation.

Monday, January 10, 2011

daily blog 1/10

It was nice to talk about civil disobedience in class today. By using more relatable situations, I found it easier to understand. It was also interesting to see how it played out with current events. But if there is some sort of power plant problem anytime soon... I know who to blame.

Take 2: Thomas Gallaudet

Nevermind I figured it out! I just had to go to edit mode.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Thomas Gallaudet Voicethread

Thomas Gallaudet Voicethread

Sorry, I couldn't figure out how to embed it because it just made me create a new voicethread again.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

daily blog 1/5

Today we had another class about transcendentalism which turned into a discussion as usual. We talked about how society affects individuality and how we watch shows like Jersey Shore to feel better about ourselves by making fun of others. I agreed with most of the things we talked about but not everything. Mostly though, I  came to realize a lot and left the class mind boggled because we talked about things I haven't really thought about before. I feel like I learn so much in classes like this because it forces me to think about what's what and brought me to some realizations about the pretty much everything. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

daily blog 1/4

So we reviewed the transcendentalism posters and talked about the passages we read last night with a partner. Basically it all said the same things that nature is more important than a corporate world and that nature is in our lives every day and it affects everyone in every way. Which was Thoreau and Emerson's idea in a nutshell.

Monday, January 3, 2011

daily blog 1/3

It's 2011! To start off the new year I had history first. We spent the class talking about transcendentalism and how it changed religion in America. defines it as "Also called transcendental philosophy. any philosophy based upon the doctrine that the principles of reality are to bediscovered by the study of the processes of thought, or philosophy emphasizing the intuitive and spiritual above theempirical: in the U.S., associated with Emerson." So from that we talked in groups about religion and the spirituality of individuals. We also made a poster which reflected are answers to certain questions on the subject.