Monday, February 28, 2011

daily blog 2/28

On the first day back from vacation I surprisingly stayed more awake in class than I thought I would. We read and talked about Abraham Lincoln whose changes to America influence everything, in my opinion. His dedication and appreciation for the Declaration of Independence is something he strongly believed in. He expressed is belief in the principle of 'Liberty to all' as being what the Constitution is made for by using an analogy saying that the Constitution is a "silver painting" to the principle being a "golden apple". 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

daily blog 2/16

Tomorrow is test day for me because I have a field trip on friday. I feel pretty prepared for it but seeing as I don't have a lot of time today, I'm going to keep this post short and sweet. Going to study now and hopefully get an 100 tommorrow!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

daily blog 1/15

Happy reverse day! Despite the abnormality of the seating situation today, the lesson went as usual. The talk of secessionism continued and Abe Lincoln asked the class whether he should: 
a) make changes to satisfy the south or 
b) refuse their requests.
 Appeasement never works so Pres Lincoln did as he should and  stood firm on his thoughts of slavery. It would be ill advised for him to change his opinions at this point in time. He would lose most of his followers and it would just make him look like a pushover. The secessionists problems are all their own so if they want to breakaway, I say let them!

Monday, February 14, 2011

daily blog 2/14

Todays valentines day history class was filled with talk of secession! South Carolina couldn't take the heat so they had to get out of the kitchen. Planning to breakaway from the country is kind of ridiculous and selfish in my eyes. When the other states joined in too I just thought of how immature they're being basically. Honestly, just because you don't like the new president you decide to form your own group. That's something a three year old would do and I found it to be completely unnecessary.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

daily blog 2/9

John Brown. Kind of a nut but he devoted his life to helping slaves be free in anyway he knew how and that's what made him an amazing person. It was kind of insane, and in my eyes, unnecessary for him to lash out and kill those people but he stood up for what he believed in. He stated that he would end slavery or die trying. Unfortunately, John never reached his goal because he died in the process but he did provide a substantial push of the abolitionist movement. Because of this, I said he was a hero who didn't achieve his goals and died trying.

Monday, February 7, 2011

daily blog 1/7

Our weekend homework was to take notes on the Lincoln-Douglas debate so that's what we discussed in class. The two were very different in there views on slavery, the delaration of independence, and the African American community as a whole. As it just so happens, Lincoln was one of my favorite people when I was younger. I used to read so many books on him! I'm glad he was sucha  firm believer in equal rights. Looks like I chose a good role model!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

daily blog 2/4

In class we discussed the issue of slavery yet again and took notes on whether or not slaves were free. It was pretty much determined that they weren't seen as free despite the efforts of many abolitionists. It is kind of a foggy class for me because it was second period yesterday and so it's hard for me to remember the details.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

daily blog 2/3

I was happy to have already taken notes on Uncle Tom's Cabin and the Kansas Nebraska act because I didn't have to take any today and that's all we talked about. I think it is so crazy that one person's book could change a country. Sure, some books do take over sometimes like in the case of Harry Potter or Twilight but they aren't serious books that could cause a war. Knowing that one day a book could separate the country is kind of intimidating. You might think it could never happen but it happened once so who's to say it won't happen again?