Wednesday, April 27, 2011

daily blog 4/27

We talked about western expansion and used two different documents to show all the sides of the situation. We looked at Walt Whitman's poem "O Pioneers!"and an excerpt from a book with the same title. They were similar in some ways and different in others. It seems both seemed to think that the positives outweighed the negatives and that Western expansion was a good idea.  

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

daily blog 4/12

The South is just way too proud and probably just jealous that they didn't win the war so they have to take it out in the blacks. Someone should explain to them what a war is and that there are no rules so the confederates can stop being such sore losers and maybe make a positive contribution to the country. That's all I have to say.

Monday, April 11, 2011

daily blog 4/11

The newly freed slaves, at this point in history, are running into more discrimination despite the fact that they are free. The sharecropping basically demotes them back to the level of slaves and because of the lack of education most of them had it was hard for them to notice when they were being cheated. Many people were angry because African Americans had the ability to vote and so groups like the Klu Klux Klan were formed. A new era of segregation began from there on out.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

daily blog 4/6

We learned about the fourteenth amendment in class. It basically gave citizenship to African Americans and it increasingly punished the south. I find it completely unfair that Congress is acting this way and treating the south so poorly. Admittedly, they probably do deserve some kind of punishment for their acts of "secession" but they are losing their freedom and liberty with this amendment. Liberty is something the civil war was fought over so why is it being eliminated in the south? And even with this newfound citizenship for African Americans there is still a lack of equality and with that, segregation policies. Although African Americans are no longer considered property at this point, they are still being treated like animals.

Monday, April 4, 2011

daily blog 4/4

Today we talked about what happened after Lincoln died. The anything-but-productive vice president, Andrew Johnson (from TN0 became president. This was not necessarily a good thing because Johnson was not exactly capable of this position especially considering what had been happening lately and he was only chosen as VP because of his loyalty to the government during the civil war. He was eventually impeached

Friday, April 1, 2011

daily blog 4/1

Today we learned an extensive amount of minor and major details about Lincoln's assassination. The story of how John Wilkes Booth made a fool out of himself by jumping down onto the stage followed by a massive curtain-like cloth as he breaks his ankle. An interesting story nonetheless. Meanwhile, the class failed at April fool's day jokes, however, this will not be the end of the pranks.