Monday, November 29, 2010

daily blog 11/29

We took notes about the industrial revolution that made its way to America and how that affected people. especially young girls were set out to work. I don't think I'd like that very much!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

daily blog 11/23

we finally recorded our voice thread on the history of the construction of the Erie canal. We had to pretend to be news reporters and it went pretty smoothly. Although it took us three tries to get it done with no messups... the end result was very good I think! We also sang a song!

I thought the idea of  newsreport was a good way for us to add some humor and different characters into the project! I liked that part. I think if anything were to be done differently maybe assigning parts because I feel like some people had to work harder than others. Overall it was a good project that was easy to carry out

Monday, November 22, 2010

daily blog 11/22

Today we went to the media lab to finish up on our projects. It went well and we finished ours. Tomorrow we will record the voicethread.

Friday, November 19, 2010

daily blog 11/19

In class we went to the computer lab which is always fun. We worked with our groups on google docs, which is again, always fun. We worked on our Erie Canal project and got a lot done. Most of the script is done and we will record voice threads on Tuesday. I'm a little nervous though because we only have about 2 pages or so of script and some other groups have like 4 pages! But I'm not worried because the project is going really well 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

daily blog 11/16

We were supposed to have a quest today but because of an assembly we are going to have it on thursday. I felt prepared so I kind of wanted to get it over with but at least I have another few days to study! Before the assembly we did some more research in the computer lab on our history project. Ours is looking good!

Monday, November 15, 2010

daily blog 11/15

WE took notes today on the war of 1812 and all that jazz. In my opinion it was the dumbest war in US history. Why would we start a war over problems we had already had a revolution about in a time where our economy is struggling and we were barely making it as a country? In the end all we had to show for it was another enemy and a document saying things were going to be exactly like how they had been. It's just ridiculous! Gotta go study for my quest now 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

daily blog 11/10

In class we took notes at first but then Mr. Boyle brought us a to a Lewis and Clark expedition recreation website. We read stories about their travels as if we were there and had to help make decisions. It was a fun activity but it made me think of how hard it was for them to travel through the unknown like that! I wouldn't be able to do it

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

daily blog 11/9

We talked again about the eletion of Thomas Jefferson in 1800 and how that affected other people. Thomas was very sneaky, he didn't send out commision forms to all the members of the judiciary branch. a certain Marlbury never got his and planned on suing and he went to the supreme court on it. He lost though because it it not stated in the constitution that he must be given his. It stinks though because he could've won it if he had started out at a smaller court.

Monday, November 8, 2010

daily blog 11/8

Today we talked about the 1796 and 1800 elections and the duel between Arron burr and alexander hamilton. Quite a wild story if you ask me. I'm starting to like John adams less and less based on his choices. Thomas Jefferson is the way to go. Good job alexander hamilton for making that happen! even you did die in a duel...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

daily blog 11/3

WE discussed how international affairs effect the united states in class today. Things got a little heated. We talked about how Bastille Day represented the French starting to revolt in a way similar to the US. Admittedly, it was a little crazier than the American revolution but the US felt a bond with the French for this want of independence. Americans wanted to help the French in their revolution but at the same time were reluctant because of the problems it could cause if it ended badly. The US was on shaky grounds and hadn't become too strong of a country yet so it would have been hard to help France out. The discussion got a little bit fiery when we started talking about the war on Iraq and how that was similar to the situation in 1793. All in all we decided that basically we were a strong country when we went to Iraq and we were weak when the French needed help so we wouldn't be very helpful. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

daily blog 11/2

We discussed what was on the packet we read last night. It was about how people's opinions were different and how America would deal with money. 

Monday, November 1, 2010

daily blog 11/1

We discussed and planned the groups for the News Report project due monday. I have some good ideas for our project; the building of the erie canal. I'm excited to plan what my group will do. We also talked about the responsibilities of the government.