Wednesday, November 3, 2010

daily blog 11/3

WE discussed how international affairs effect the united states in class today. Things got a little heated. We talked about how Bastille Day represented the French starting to revolt in a way similar to the US. Admittedly, it was a little crazier than the American revolution but the US felt a bond with the French for this want of independence. Americans wanted to help the French in their revolution but at the same time were reluctant because of the problems it could cause if it ended badly. The US was on shaky grounds and hadn't become too strong of a country yet so it would have been hard to help France out. The discussion got a little bit fiery when we started talking about the war on Iraq and how that was similar to the situation in 1793. All in all we decided that basically we were a strong country when we went to Iraq and we were weak when the French needed help so we wouldn't be very helpful. 

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