Thursday, February 28, 2013

Whole Genome Sequencing

    The disease tuberculosis has been a serious sickness for long time in that it is very lethal. In the 19th century in particular there was a significant lack of scientific technology and medical development and many people died from TB. In the 21st century we have substantially improved medicine but tuberculosis still exists. Luckily scientists are coming up with more ways to research TB and explain it. Researchers from Forschungszentrum Borstel, Molecular Mycobacteriology have found new forms of genetic testing of the bacteria that causes the disease. The technique of whole genome sequencing determines more clustering and longitudinal spreading than the classical genoming testing and has proved some clusters of whole genome sequencing to be incorrect. It has revealed the speed of TB growth (doubles at rate of 22 hours) based on its evolution speed (0.4 mutations per year). It is a relatively cheap procedure meaning it could soon become the most popilar method for outbreaks of TB.
    The research of this procedure will lead to more development with research in tuberculosis obviously but can also lead to determining rates of infectious disease outbreaks other than TB. It may not seem vital to know the rate of growth of diseases but it actually is necessary to understand the mechanisms of the disease and scientist’s ability to end it.  Whole genome sequencing doesn’t hold all the answers to tuberculosis and other infectious diseases but it definitely is a piece of the puzzle. Many scientists and researchers dedicate their lives to curing infectious diseases and a process like this will help them get much closer to their goal.
    This article helped me understand one of the key problems with infectious diseases (particularly tuberculosis). The high growth rate makes it nearly impossible to stop the problem before it starts. I know that there are many aspects that go into the research of curing diseases like TB but it is hard to see why it is so impossible. Knowing that scientists are just now getting to understand these diseases at a genomic level is eye-opening. It makes me realize that there is such a big picture when it comes to diseases but scientists have to dissect it gen by gene!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Link Between Evolution and Cancer

  This article linked two things we've been learning about in bio lately; the sources of cancer and the theory evolution. It's interesting that such a link can be made but the way this article describes it makes a lot of sense by comparing cancer to a complex ecosystem. Just as individuals in an ecosystem depend on each other, cancerous cells depend on each other as well as the interaction of tumor with body. Based on Darwin's theory of evolution we can see ecosystems evolving and adapting with those it shares an environment with. With the cancer-ecosystem comparison, scientists have seen cancer adapt to its conditions in the body thus making it "indestructible".

    It seems that the scientists working to more understand this idea (collabaration with Darwinian Evolution of Cancer Consortium in France and Center for Evolution and Cancer at University of California, San Francisco) are just in the early stages of development. They are trying to connect the evolutionary concepts of genetic drift, mutations, and natural selection with the cancer ecosystem. What is most interesting about this article is that it has little to do with biotechnology of the modern era. Obviously the mechanisms behind cancer could not be understood without modern technology but its amazing that scientists are still basing much of their knowledge on science that is many years old. It just goes to show that the theory of evolution (that it may "evolve" over the years, pun intended), will always stand the test of time!

   This connection may lead to a better understanding of how to treat and prevent cancer as scientists continue to understand the mechanisms of evolution. Also, it helps justify the theory of evolution a little bit more. It doesn't surprise that scientists have discovered this correlation with the theory of evolution seeing as much of the world of science is connected in very similar ways!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Attacking Cancer with Synthetic and Natural Toxins
   The hope to one day eliminate cancer is a common goal for many doctors and scientists across the world. It all comes from what is effective in eliminating this devastating illness.

   One of the most harmful things about cancer and deadly bacteria is not that they can't be destroyed but rather that they reproduce very rapidly and in a way that is drug-resistant. So the challenge is coming up with a technique to kill cancer and stop the drug-resistance.

   In this article scientists compare a new system in conquering cancer and harmful bacteria to the methods of boxers and other competitive fighting. The analogy of a one-two punch is given with regard to the synthetic and natural toxins that can knock out cancer and bacteria while also inhibiting their ability to become drug-resistant. This idea connects back to our in-class discussion about the effects of antibiotics. They work for most of the time but that last little bit of bacteria that might not get killed have become drug-resistant. They then reproduce and the body is now full of bacteria that are uneffected by antibiotics. The toxin approach would be able to eliminate the ability of these cells to become drug-resistant and thus redering them conquerable.

   The process itself involves a synthetic toxin (AMP) called D-KLAKLAK-2 is known to kill cancer cells an d has recently been found to be effective against some anti-biotic bacteria. They are known as Gram-negative bacteria and are a pathogen that includes drug-resistant varieties of bacteria causing pnuemonia. It works by attacking the mitochondria of the cells. From what I know about cells and the properties of cancer, an attack at the mitochondria would be successful in killing the cell.

   If this process is really so effective, doctors would be able to conquer all forms of harmful bacteria. The article didn't reveal exactly how far along this idea is but it does show that scientist are working very intently. They're not just thinking about the positives of the procedure but also what could go wrong and with that in mind, adjusting accordingly. That method of checking all possible outcomes is what leads to great science and I hope that one day cancer can be eliminated effectively by this procedure and its outcomes.