Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Link Between Evolution and Cancer

  This article linked two things we've been learning about in bio lately; the sources of cancer and the theory evolution. It's interesting that such a link can be made but the way this article describes it makes a lot of sense by comparing cancer to a complex ecosystem. Just as individuals in an ecosystem depend on each other, cancerous cells depend on each other as well as the interaction of tumor with body. Based on Darwin's theory of evolution we can see ecosystems evolving and adapting with those it shares an environment with. With the cancer-ecosystem comparison, scientists have seen cancer adapt to its conditions in the body thus making it "indestructible".

    It seems that the scientists working to more understand this idea (collabaration with Darwinian Evolution of Cancer Consortium in France and Center for Evolution and Cancer at University of California, San Francisco) are just in the early stages of development. They are trying to connect the evolutionary concepts of genetic drift, mutations, and natural selection with the cancer ecosystem. What is most interesting about this article is that it has little to do with biotechnology of the modern era. Obviously the mechanisms behind cancer could not be understood without modern technology but its amazing that scientists are still basing much of their knowledge on science that is many years old. It just goes to show that the theory of evolution (that it may "evolve" over the years, pun intended), will always stand the test of time!

   This connection may lead to a better understanding of how to treat and prevent cancer as scientists continue to understand the mechanisms of evolution. Also, it helps justify the theory of evolution a little bit more. It doesn't surprise that scientists have discovered this correlation with the theory of evolution seeing as much of the world of science is connected in very similar ways!

1 comment:

  1. C - A+
    R - R
    A - A+
    I - R-
    S - A-

    Final Grade (May be removed at your own discretion): Aware
