Thursday, September 30, 2010

daily blog 9/30

Today Mr. Boyle really went into the importance of learning with technology. I totally agree with him that technology is taking over and when we're in college our most important tool will be out laptops. It's a good thing to be learning all this technology stuff. But I don't really like having to learn everything from the computer because there is always something that could go wrong. Sometime I prefer just learning the old fashioned way by taking notes. Or mix the two! Taking notes from a powerpoint!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Timline of Battles 1775-1778

<a href=""></a>

Wouldn't embed. Sorry!

daily blog 9/29

Today we took the quiz on the portion of the Declaration of Independence that we had to memorize. I didnt really enjoy memorizing that becasue I felt like I was just memorizing it and not really understanding or learning it. I think I did well on the quiz though. We also talked about all the battles we had to make a timeline for and that really helped me understand them. I liked that interactive website.

Friday, September 24, 2010

daily blog 9/24

In class we had to the Declaration of Independence debate. It was interesting but I'm not going to lie, I didn't really understand what was going on and it was more reading a paper than actually debating the points. I got the jist of it though. I'm pretty relieved about the quiz being on wednesday because that way I have all weekend to memorize that paragraph in the Declaration. I still don't really understand the purpose though...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

daily blog 9/23

Today we had as study for class with Mr. Dube. It was a silent study. It kind of stunk... I wish he had had the Declaration of Independence debate instead.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

daily blog 9/22

In class we had a "discussion" on the four different points of view on the American revolution. It turned into more of a debate, however. The four different groups were the american concilliationists, the british conciliationists, the american radicals, and the british hard liners. I must say I got quite into it ( maybe a little too much!) defending the radicals and fighting the hard liners.  It was a fun discussion! I like debates like that. Tomorrow we are going to have a mock congress where each person got a historic figure ( I got William Ellery) I'm looking forward to it!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

daily blog 9/21

In class we talked about the battle of bunker hill and the British retreat. We took notes on what happened with the second continental congress and how Boston colonist successfully gained independence from the British who suffered so many casualties in those battles. Then we split into groups and read articles on different points of view on the situation (unfortunately I think my group had the longest article). I was glad to have the article about someone who was completely against British rule and would do anything to stop it because I feel I would have that opinion if I were in that time period. 

Monday, September 20, 2010

daily blog 9/20

Today in class we discussed what happened after the midnight ride. When the british came and "the shot heard round the world" were what started the fighting. The british must have been so stupid because they dug trenches but didn't stay there so the colonists basically got free trenches to attack the british from in the Battle of Bunker Hill. Also I find it so incredible the amount of walking they did in those times because it was the only means of transportation. I can't even fathom walking 16 miles in one day-- twice! 

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere: Elise Style

The True Story of April 18th, 1775

Here is the story of the three that rode
From town to town “The Regulars are coming out” they told
To warn Hancock and Adams was originally the goal
An unknown man tried but was caught and patrolled.

So the three that pursued (their names are all clear)
The brave and heroic Prescott, Dawes, and Revere
Who went to tell people the game plan they had
To get rid of the British before they got mad

Revere and Dawes rode out on different ways
Both arrived in Lexington without too many delays
Prescott then followed until they were caught
Paul had to stay but the others did not

When the minutemen heard of militia nearby
They let Paul go free and they probably cried
For the patriots had been warned by the trio,
As well as 2 more Prescotts, B. Tidd, and Monroe

Friday, September 17, 2010

Voice thread: revolutionary replica

Voice thread on Molly Hays McCauley:

Thursday, September 16, 2010

When Revolution Happened: 50 Words

The Intolerable Acts; the revolution began. Parliament was being ridiculous with all their restrictions and being complete control freaks. Colonists were ticked off so when the Boston Massacre took place, all the action started. The Revolutionary actions by the colonists escalated to the point where the Boston Tea Party happened.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

daily blog 9/15 (Event Profile Things)

Today we did the gallery walk and listened to voice-threads on events in the american revolution and took notes. This project was fun doing but id rather not listen to voice-threads. It would be so much easier to take notes on what someone has written because people talked so fast about the events and sometimes incomprehensible. Also, the whole downloading onto the iPod thing was not working out so well. But it was a fun project to complete.

Royal Proclamations is when the colonists wanted to move by the mountains but the British Parliament said no. They didn’t care so the Parliament made a proclamation stating that they were going to enhance border security which just made the colonists more upset and didn’t even stop them.

In the Stamp act the British taxed the colonists because they had debt. The colonists boycotted the British and tax collectors stopped showing up because they were afraid.

The Boston Massacre was when people basically just started getting really annoyed with parliament and they're completely dumb taxes and such. Some colonists, mostly sailors, started to snowball the soldiers. The soldiers got annoyed and someone shot with out orders so others started shooting. 11 colonists were killed.

The British were charging a lot for tea taxes which led to the Boston Tea Party. The British gave them crappy tea so about 150 men boarded a ship and dumped the tea overboard. Another ship was burned so I think it can be said that the colonists won that one.

The Intolerable Acts was when Parliament tried to end colonists freedom because of what they did at the Boston Tea Party. When Paul Revere went for his famous "ride" people were united instead of split up which the Brits were hoping for. 

The First Continental Congress met to try and overrule Parliament cause they couldn't get a spot in it. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

daily blog 9/14

In class we presented the replica project that I finished last week. I think I may have misinterpreted the directions because I wrote paragraphs and a few lame facts. So MR BOYLE IF YOU ARE READING THIS: the reason my presentation wasn't really to amazing was because I didn't read what I actually wrote. If you read the paragraphs on the back of my replica, you'll see that I did follow the guidelines and spent time on it! All in all though it was a pretty good presentation but now I have to go download some voice threads to my ipod.

Monday, September 13, 2010

daily blog 9/13

Today we went to the computer lab yet again. Most of the time groups were working on their event projects but us, being the fantastics team we are, had already finished. So we spent the class just reviewing the google doc ( fooling around with it a little bit I admit) and printing it out to read. It then came time for our group to the read the document on voice-thread so it can be put in the museum thing we are going to have. It was so nerve wracking and I don't know why because it's not like it was in front of people but its just a scary experience. I probably sounded like a fool. I also learned today that you have to be quiet in a library. hmm....

Saturday, September 11, 2010

daily blog 9/10

Today in class we talked about how things were with the French and the British colonies alongside each other in america. (Also the Amerindians) They weren't exactly friendly to each other because people are greedy and want more land all the time. thats just the way it is and its stupid cause then they got into a battle. George Washington's little army defeated the French and the Amerindians but England didn't even care cause they're lame.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

daily blog 9/9

Today we talked about our projects and when they're due which reminded me that I have gone nowhere with my event project. It is going to be impossible to check my email and mr Boyles blog and my blog and nice-net EVERY night. Im going to freak out. Especially if my internet stops working which it occasionally does. But the rest of class we did a little quiz thing on the colonies and how they were in respect to religion and agriculture and stuff. I got the majority of the answers I gave wrong but its no big deal

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

daily blog 9/8

Today in history we started a google document on certain events in the american revolution. My group had the boston tea party. Everyone of us is going to write a paragraph about each section of the boston tea party. Mine takes place during the boston tea party. The google docs is a clever idea especially for this project. That way we can all write at the same time but its just like a word document. You can see people write as they are typing which is interesting. Also, we talked about the historical person project which made me think about how I need to do the voice thread for mine.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


  • To focus more on what I have to do to get ready for college like what classes to start taking
  • Start preparing for SATs
  • Stay on track and not goof around. Focus on what's important