Wednesday, September 15, 2010

daily blog 9/15 (Event Profile Things)

Today we did the gallery walk and listened to voice-threads on events in the american revolution and took notes. This project was fun doing but id rather not listen to voice-threads. It would be so much easier to take notes on what someone has written because people talked so fast about the events and sometimes incomprehensible. Also, the whole downloading onto the iPod thing was not working out so well. But it was a fun project to complete.

Royal Proclamations is when the colonists wanted to move by the mountains but the British Parliament said no. They didn’t care so the Parliament made a proclamation stating that they were going to enhance border security which just made the colonists more upset and didn’t even stop them.

In the Stamp act the British taxed the colonists because they had debt. The colonists boycotted the British and tax collectors stopped showing up because they were afraid.

The Boston Massacre was when people basically just started getting really annoyed with parliament and they're completely dumb taxes and such. Some colonists, mostly sailors, started to snowball the soldiers. The soldiers got annoyed and someone shot with out orders so others started shooting. 11 colonists were killed.

The British were charging a lot for tea taxes which led to the Boston Tea Party. The British gave them crappy tea so about 150 men boarded a ship and dumped the tea overboard. Another ship was burned so I think it can be said that the colonists won that one.

The Intolerable Acts was when Parliament tried to end colonists freedom because of what they did at the Boston Tea Party. When Paul Revere went for his famous "ride" people were united instead of split up which the Brits were hoping for. 

The First Continental Congress met to try and overrule Parliament cause they couldn't get a spot in it. 

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