Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere: Elise Style

The True Story of April 18th, 1775

Here is the story of the three that rode
From town to town “The Regulars are coming out” they told
To warn Hancock and Adams was originally the goal
An unknown man tried but was caught and patrolled.

So the three that pursued (their names are all clear)
The brave and heroic Prescott, Dawes, and Revere
Who went to tell people the game plan they had
To get rid of the British before they got mad

Revere and Dawes rode out on different ways
Both arrived in Lexington without too many delays
Prescott then followed until they were caught
Paul had to stay but the others did not

When the minutemen heard of militia nearby
They let Paul go free and they probably cried
For the patriots had been warned by the trio,
As well as 2 more Prescotts, B. Tidd, and Monroe

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elise,
    The British partols were the ones that stopped Revere, not the minutemen.
